Established in 2009, Medicine Women Productions MWP is a multi-creative consultant production company that produces thought provoking entertainment to empower, inspire, and heal utilizing various art form. MWP has successfully produced numerous theatrical productions titled, "FEAR LESS", "The Calling I”, "The Calling II”, "Mysticism” , "Creative Potluck", "One Nation Under The Groove", "Artist Soul Jam", "The Medicine Men", "The Medicine Children”, “ Positive Vibe Celebration I & II”, “Balance” digital media productions included “ The Everyday Super Woman Show”, “The Kim LaRue Show”, “F.Y.I. with Lauren Raysor, Esq.”, several creative art workshops, and women’s group working alongside award winning performers, historians, authors and playwrights. MWP invites artists that are in varying stages of their careers. By assessing their work, MWP assist in each artist’s development, to help them reach a higher level of creative expansion. "When creative, collective energy forces merge... magic happens." Medicine Women Productions has become a collective force that supports, prepares and encourages creative art forms to strive for the highest height of expression.
Kim LaRue
CEO Medicine Women Productions, LLC